Latin America at the Crossroads Series to Host Dr. Forrest Colburn for a Seminar on Honduras

Speaker/Performer Name
Dr. Forrest Colburn
Uptown Campus
Other location info
Greenleaf Conference Room
100A Jones Hall
Tulane University

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Forrest Colburn for a seminar on Honduras for the Latin America at the Crossroads spring seminar series. The 2017 Presidential election in Honduras was the first since the constitution was amended to allow presidents to seek re-election. During the seminar, Dr. Colburn will discuss the electoral irregularities and allegations of fraud, and whether or not the re-election of President Juan Orlando Hernández a step towards authoritarian rule.

Dr. Colburn obtained a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University. He was a faculty member at Princeton and is currently a professor at the City University of New York (CUNY). His research interests are governance and economic development in the poorer countries of the world, the influences of ideas on politics, and the inter-play of politics and economic policy. He has published numerous books and articles on Central America.

Throughout the Americas, countries are facing questions about the future direction of their domestic and international politics. In Latin America at the Crossroad, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for Inter-American Policy and Research will host speakers to discuss the critical junctures currently facing Honduras, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.

Join us as speakers address the big picture of domestic politics, including the current political environment and recent political developments, as well as the state of each country’s bilateral relationship with the United States.

Events are free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.

For more information and to reserve your seat, please contact Sefira Fialkoff at or phone (504) 862-3141.