International Short Film Fest

Uptown Campus
Lake Residence Hall Theater

Are you a fan of short films? Exciting news awaits! The International Short Film Festival in the Fall is just around the corner, offering a captivating lineup of original storytelling and fresh perspectives. This festival is a must-attend event for film enthusiasts seeking unique cultural and cinematic experiences.  

There will be two films featuring Latin American stories, the first from Brazil in Portuguese directed by Cassio Pereira dos Santos called “Marina’s Ocean”. In this film a 15 year-old girl yearns to see the ocean, but her disibility interferes. Unable to travel to the beach with her sister and friends, Marina strikes out on an adventure of her own. The second film is from Mexico in Spanish, directed by Ivan Lowenberg, titled “Encounter”. In this film a sudden event will draw an unexpected path between Arcelia, an elderly lady, and the young Julian.