Horror & Enchantment

An interdisciplinary symposium
Uptown Campus
100A Jones Hall
Greenleaf Conference Room

Please join us for the final installment of "Horror & Enchantment," an ongoing interdisciplinary conversation among scholars centered on these complementary (and Halloween-ready!) concepts. What horrifies may also enchant, and what enchants may also horrify - so get ready. The two-day symposium will involve discussion of short, creative works drawn from the outer limits of scholarly inquiry.

This event is organized by Kris Lane and Kenneth Mills (University of Michigan), and sponsored by the Stone Center for Latin American Studies with an assist from the Department of History.



Friday, Oct. 18th

08:30 Gather, Coffee, Danish

09:00 Introductions: Tom Reese, Kris Lane, Ken Mills

10:15-11:30: collection i. 

John Charles “New Knowings” (list) 

Edward Schwarzschild, “A Chapter from ‘Black Hole Family’” (foray) 

Megan Holmes “Dancing with Dissonance” (list) 

Kayode O. Ogunfolabi “NDSM 906” (refl.) 

Annabel L. Kim “Marked Unread” (vest.) 

Paul Christopher Johnson “Abandoned Sculpture: Work, Languor” (refl.) 

Annabel L. Kim “Our Turds, Our Selves” (refl.) 

Helen Hills “The Beautiful Domain of Lord Feversham” (foray)

11:30-11:45 Coffee

11:45-13:00: collection ii. 

John Charles “Vestiges of Some Forgotten People” (foray) 

Megan Holmes “Thresholds” (refl.) Heidi V. Scott “Fragments of a Mining Life” (vest.) 

Sylvia Sellers-García “La casa de los sueños” (refl.) 

Dale Shuger “Children in Limbo” (foray) 

Anne E. Lester “Into the Woods” (vest.) 

Miruna Achim “A Natural History of Greenstones” (list) 

Kenneth Mills “Mouse Nest” (refl.) Clifton Crais “Pictures at the Mortecene” (foray)

Hayley R. Bowman “ ‘De pajarillos vivos’: Embroidering Colonial Genocide” (list)

13:00-13:50 Lunch

14:00-15:15: collection iii. 

Paul Christopher Johnson “Names for Large Groups of People; in Brazil, for example” (list) 

Helmut Puff “The Time It Takes: Christian Czepko’s Diarum” (foray) 

Clifton Crais “On the Edge” (refl.) 

Miruna Achim “Scatterings” (foray)

Annabel L. Kim “Translation’s Losses” (list) 

Megan Holmes “Stratigraphy” (foray) 

Nicholas R. Jones, “Archaeologies of Antiblackness in Quevedo and Zayas” (vest.) 

Heidi V. Scott “Treba’s Enchantment” (refl.) 

Kenneth Mills, “TV Tray”(vest.)

15:15-16:30: collection iv. John Charles “The Wisdom of the Desert” (refl.) 

Heidi V. Scott “Small Stories from the Southern Cone” (foray) 

Paul Christopher Johnson “Of Wounded Gods and Sculptures” (vest.) 

Anne E. Lester “Out of the Woods (Tell Me a Story, Belle Sauvague)” (foray) 

Kris Lane “Tunneling” (refl.) Katrina Olds “A Manual for Magic” (vest.) 

Nicholas R. Jones “Horrific Blackness” (list) Helmut Puff “Vestiges of Time in Text” (vest.) 

Dale R. Shuger “Horror & Enchantment: A Double-Entry Account” (list)

16:30-16:45 Break

16:45-18:00: collection v. 

Dale R. Shuger “Cries from the Appendix” (vest.) 

Sylvia Sellers-García “Among the Ruins” (foray) 

Kenneth Mills “Big Silver Horses” (refl.) 

Hayley R. Bowman “Historical Horizons and Colonial Legacies” (refl.) 

Katrina Olds “The Feminist Grotesque in Blasphemous Humor” (foray) 

Hayley R. Bowman “Pushing Indigenous Bodies” (foray) 

Sylvia Sellers-García “The Culprit: Celotipia” (vest.) 

Kayode O. Ogunfolabi “Mothers without Babies” (foray)



SATURDAY. Oct. 19th

08:30 Gather, Coffee, Danish

09:00-10:15: collection vi. 

Kris Lane “Post, Texas” (vest.) 

Heidi V. Scott “A Mining Director’s Wish List” (list) 

Helen Hills “Lines of Flight: Three Short Videos & Poems” (refl.) 

Paul Christopher Johnson “The Strange Case of Humberto de Campos” (foray) 

Dana Leibsohn & Barbara E. Mundy “Appointment with the Candy-Striped Suit” (foray) 

Kenneth Mills “The Table” (foray) Katrina Olds “I Swear to God” (list)

10:30-12:00: Constellations (Connections, Discussion, Wrap-up)