Gamify the Language Classroom

K-12 Educator Workshop
Other location info
612 Andrew Higgins Blvd, Suite 4003
New Orleans, LA 70130

Join us to gamify your Spanish language class for enhanced learning and fun! This workshop is designed to re-invigorate the language classroom with fun and simple interactive games. Participants will discover the new games Nolatería designed by local Spanish language middle school educator and NolaDigas designed by Tulane professor of Portuguese, Megwen Loveless. Both games incorporate local New Orleans culture and is designed to practice Spanish language skills. Both game designers will share interactive games that help with strategic competence, discourse competence and sociolinguistic competence. Participants will learn the importance of using games in the language classroom, learn to create their own unique games and leave with a set of ready to use games for their own classrooms. Co-sponsored by AfterClass.

Registration ($15), registration includes dinner, a copy of the games and tools to make your own game.