El Inca Garcilaso: Autor de la Nación peruana

A scholarly Lecture by Dr. Christian Fernández from Louisiana State University
Speaker/Performer Name
Featuring Dr. Christian Fernández
Uptown Campus
Newcomb Hall
Room 407

Dr. Christian Fernández is Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at Louisiana State University, where has also served as Hispanic Studies Director and Chair in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. His books include Inca Garcilaso: imaginación, memoria e identidad (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2004) and Imaginar la nación: Güiraldes, Gallegos, Lugones y Borges (Lima: Academia Peruana de la Lengua, Hipocampo Editores, 2020). He is also co-editor of Inca Garcilaso and Contemporary World-Making (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016) (with Sara Castro-Klarén) and Approaches to the Teaching the Works of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (New York: MLA, 2022) (with José Antonio Mazzotti). His essays on colonial and contemporary Latin American writers have appeared in various academic journals and edited volumes. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana and co-founder and member of the Executive Committee of the Asociación Internacional de Peruanistas. Dr. Fernández’s lecture at Tulane will address the foundational role of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega’s Comentarios reales de los incas (1609, 1617) in the formation of the Peruvian nation.  

This event is sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Further details or questions at: jcharles@tulane.edu