A Celebration of Ana M. López: Essays

Uptown Campus
Jones Hall
Greenleaf Conference Room 100A

Join us in celebrating the new book Ana M. López: Essays, recently published by SUNY Press as part of their series in Latin American Cinema. Collection editors and former Tulane students, Laura Podalsky (PhD, 1995), Professor of Latin American Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The Ohio State University, and Dolores Tierney (PhD, 2002), Professor and Head of Film Studies in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities at the University of Sussex in the U.K. will host a one-day hybrid symposium to launch the volume in community with Dr. López’s colleagues, mentees, and friends.

From the introduction by Laura Podalsky and Dolores Tierney:

Ana M. López is one of the foremost film and media scholars in the world. Her work has addressed Latin American filmmaking in every historical period, across countries and genres—from early cinema to the present; from Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico to diasporic and Latinx cinemas in the United States; from documentary to melodrama to politically militant film. López's groundbreaking essays have transformed Latin American film studies, opening up new approaches, theoretical frameworks, and lines of investigation while also extending beyond cinema to analyze its connections with television, radio, and broader cultural phenomena.


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1 pm Opening Remarks  

On behalf of Tulane:


Thomas F. Reese, Executive Director, Stone Center for Latin American Studies, and Professor of Art History 


Vicki Mayer, Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives & Curriculum and Professor of Communication 


Christopher Dunn, Professor of Spanish & Portuguese/Africana Studies, Chair of Spanish & Portuguese 


Editors of “Ana M. López: Essays”:


Laura Podalsky, Professor of Latin American Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University


Dolores Tierney, Professor and Head of Film Studies in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex


1:20 pm López and Latin American Film Studies  






Misha MacLaird, Film Producer, Writer, Curator


Gabriela Alemán, Author and Richard Greenleaf Visiting Scholar, Tulane University


María Cumaná, PhD candidate in Latin American Studies, Tulane University


Olivia Cosentino, Zemurray-Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow, Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University


Juani García Borrero, Cuban film scholar, member of the ICAIC, and founder of the Enciclopedia Digital de Audiovisual Cubano (ENDAC), Camagüey, Cuba


3 pm BREAK

3:15 pm Round-Table: Lopez’s Work in the Classroom  






Cristina Venegas, Associate Professor, Department of Film Studies, UC Santa Barbara


Victoria Ruétalo, Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Chair of Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta


Christina Sisk, Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Houston


4:30 pm Reception 

If you would like to join the celebration either in-person or virtually, please let us know immediately so that we may adequately plan to host all attendees. You may email the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at rtsclas@tulane.edu to express your interest.  

Sponsored by Tulane University, including the Department of Communication and Department of Spanish & Portuguese in the School of Liberal Arts, the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, and Newcomb Institute.