Call for papers for the Tulane Foreign Language Symposium: Innovative and Integrative Uses of Technology

Uptown Campus

The Tulane University Language Learning Center and the School of Liberal Arts invites foreign language instructors to submit abstracts for the 2019 Foreign Language Symposium: Innovative and Integrative Uses of Technology on Saturday, April 6.

The goal of this symposium is to bring Tulane University foreign language instructor community together to share foreign language teaching ideas, methods and practices. We intend to create a space for workshopping ideas and we are looking for presentations that showcase hands-on practical classroom applications of ideas. The symposium is open to all foreign language instructors; graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal.

Deadline for abstract submission: February 1, 2019.

Proposals may be directly or indirectly related to this year's theme, Innovative and Integrative Uses of Technology. However, proposals may also include other relevant areas of foreign language teaching, including:

  • Successful, impactful teaching techniques and strategies
  • Best practices for communicative, TPR, task-based, multiliteracies, content-based instruction, etc.
  • Innovative approaches to teaching communicative skills, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation,
  • Pragmatics, social practices, culture, literature, films, visual analysis, etc.
  • Development of cultural and/or intercultural competence, cultural humility, global citizenship
  • Innovative use of technology and thoughtful technology integration
  • Assessment
  • Curriculum development/curriculum redesign for a globalizing, interconnected world
  • Language pedagogy design and praxis for social justice and civic engagement

Proposals should include a one-page description of the presentation and the name(s) and contact information of the (co-)presenter(s). Presentations will be organized with a general format of 15 minutes for topic presentation/hands-on demonstration and 5 minutes for questions/discussion. Interactive presentations are strongly encouraged.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by February 22. All submissions should be sent to For more information about the symposium, guidelines, or requirements, please email Ryan Judd (, Roxanne Dávila (, or Charles Mignot (