Anthropology Student Association to host Carolina Boe for talk on Prison Experiences of Undocumented Migrants

Speaker/Performer Name
Dr. Carolina Boe
Uptown Campus
Other location info
Dinwiddie Hall
Tulane University

The 2017-2018 Tulane Anthropology Student Association’s colloquium series Migration: Perspectives Across Fields, will continue on Thursday, March 15, 2:00 PM. Join us in welcoming Dr. Carolina S. Boe, who will present her research in a talk entitled Anthropologies of Confinement: the Prison Experiences of Undocumented Migrants and the 1.5 Generation.

Dr. Boe is currently a post-doc in the Department of Culture and Global Studies at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her doctoral dissertation, titled The Undeported: Foreign-Nationals Caught Between Criminal Justice and Emigration Enforcement in France and the US, addresses the intersection of youths experiences as both prisoners and undocumented migrants, following their trajectories through the criminal justice system within the suburbs of Paris. Much of Dr. Boe's current research continues to focus on the anthropology of confinement, migration, and deportation.

The colloquium is free and open to the public.

The Tulane Anthropology Student Association is the graduate student organization whose year-long representatives serve as liaisons between the anthropology faculty and student populations. TASA representatives also organize the colloquium series. Colloquia are held in the first floor of Dinwiddie Hall and provide a venue for upper level graduate students, faculty members and outside scholars to present and discuss their anthropologically-themed research. TASA representatives also attend Graduate School Student Association (GSSA) as well as Graduate and Professional School Association (GAPSA) meetings and participate in the decisions made by these overarching Tulane graduate student organizations.