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Are you interested in completing field research abroad? Join us at an upcoming event to learn more!

TIERA field courses are two-week, interdisciplinary, immersive experiences in Ecuador. Work collaboratively with instructors and local residents to design and write up the research project, develop environmental leadership skills, and visit conservation initiatives in the area.

Two courses during the summer: June 3-16 and July 18-August 1.

The Middle American Research Institute proudly presents the Eighteenth Annual Tulane Maya Symposium and Workshop. This year's symposium, titled "Inequality Among the Maya," will explore the rise, role, and forms of inequality throughout Mayan history. The invited scholars will explore this topic across the Maya area and Central Mexico. The symposium will be held March 16th-19th, 2023 (Thursday-Sunday).

The Stone Center shares traditional Latin American crafts and the Pebbles Collection at the New Orleans Book Festival this weekend at the annual Family Day, Saturday, March 11th, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Fogelman Arena. Join us for our bilingual book giveaway! For more information about the New Orleans Book Festival, please click here.

The online workshop is aimed at participants with basic knowledge of the ancient Maya. Aspects of the Maya civilization will be discussed and their remarkable achievements and popular misunderstandings will be addressed. Examples of teaching activities that can be used across the curriculum, as well as a scheme of work with lesson plans will be given.

New Orleans has the fourth largest stateside Garífuna community in the United States. This historical, economic, and geographical connection to Central America is vital to better understanding the local New Orleans community as well as to better understand the diversity of Latin America. This K-16 educator workshop will feature perspectives from local Garifuna leaders, Teresa Rochez and Soad Martinez-Rochez and explore the unique history and culture using the film, Anichugu: Our Garifuna Story. This film is the latest from Banda Ancha Productions.

The 1st annual NEW ORLEANS BRASIL DAY at the NOLA Jazz Museum will be held on September 17th, 2022. The festival will consist of cultural and educational activities centered around the traditions of Brazilian music, dance, and food spanning the museum’s indoor and outdoor grounds, likewise accompanied by virtual live streams for inclusive digital viewership.

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Join TUGente for a night of free food, drink, music and dance! At this event we celebrate the amazing cultures that compose TUGente and are welcoming to all and anyone who wishes to join us in this celebration!

For more information on this event, please visit https://tulane.campuslabs.com/engage/event/8038289

Join the Sawyer Seminar for a tour and talk of the monumental landscape of New Orleans.

Save the date for our first 2022 M.A.R.I. Brown Bag!

This Friday, March 18th at noon, Dr. Verónica Amellali Vázquez López, who is the 2021-2022 Doris Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow in Latin American Studies, will present her research titled “Preclassic Maya communities in Yaxnohcah and Aguada Fénix, Mexico (1000 BCE - 200 CE).”

Bring your lunch!
