Diego Rose
Professor - Global Community Health and Behavioral Science
School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty
- Africa
- General Latin America

Additional Info
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:
Community Health Sciences, Central America, Africa, Consumer Economics, International Food and Nutrition Policy, Central America, Africa
- B.S., University of California-Berkeley, Nutritional Sciences, 1977
- M.P.H., Unviersity of California-Berkeley, Public Health Nutrition, 1981
- Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1992
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Professor, Tulane University, 2010-
- Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2002-2010
- Visiting Researcher, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2000-2001
- Visiting Associate Professor, Michigan State University, 1997-1999
- One of 101 Most Influential Professors of Public Health by MPHProgramsList.com, 2012
- Best Article of the Year, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2008
- South African Medical Research Council’s Distinguished Visiting Scientist Grant, 2000
- USDA/ERS Merit Pay Performance Awards, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997
- USDA/ERS Special Award for leadership on economic analysis of food assistance policy, 1995
- Fulbright Fellowship, 1988-1989
- Spanish
- Portuguese
Overseas Experience
- Mozambique
- Mexico
- Guatemala
- Brazil
- Italy
Selected Publications
- Forthcoming. “The influence of the WIC food package changes on the retail food environment in New Orleans.” With O’Malley K, Dunaway LF, and Bodor N. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
- 2012. “Understanding policy enactment: The New Orleans Fresh Food Retailer Initiative.” With Ulmer VM and Rathert AR. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 43(3S2): S116-S122.
- 2011. “The Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Food Access Disparities in New Orleans.” With Bodor JN, Rice JC, Swalm C, and Hutchinson PL. American Journal of Public Health 101(3): 482-484.
- 2009. “Understanding the Role of Potatoes in the Peruvian diet: An Approach that Combines Food Composition with Household Expenditure Data.” With Burgos G., Bonerbale M. and Thiele G. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 22: 525-532.
- 2008. “Interventions to Reduce Household Food Insecurity: A Synthesis of Current Concepts and Approaches.” Revista de Nutrição. 21: 159S-173S.
- 2008. “A Comparative Evaluation of Dietary Indicators Used in Food Consumption Assessments of At-Risk Populations.” With Chotard S., et al. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 29: 113-122.
- 2008. “Neighbourhood fruit and vegetable availability and consumption: the role of small food stores in an urban environment.” With Bodor, J.N., et al. Public Health Nutrition. 11: 413-420.
- 2007. “Food Stamps, the Thrifty Food Plan, and Meal Preparation: The Importance of Time for US Nutrition Policy.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 39: 226-232.