Dale Shuger
Professor- Spanish & Portuguese
School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Associated Faculty

Pre-20th Century Readings in Spanish; The Spanish Inquisition; Literature of the Golden Age; Early Modern Spanish Mysticism; Spanish Cultural Studies (Early Modern Popular Culture); Spanish Golden Age Prose: La escritura del yo
Additional Info
Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years: 1
Early modern Spanish literature, heterodox religions and popular culture in Spain and colonial Latin America
- Ph.D., New York University, Spanish & Portuguese, 2008
- B.A., Harvard University, Romance Languages, 2001
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Professor, Tulane University, 2023-
- Associate Professor, Tulane University, 2018-2023
- Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 2013-
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University, 2012-2013
- Assistant Professor, Columbia University, 2008-2012
- COR International Travel Fund Grants, 2017, 2023, 2024
- Lurcy Award for Summer Research, 2015, 2020
- Young Mellon Scholar, 2015-2020
- Stone Center Faculty Travel Grant, 2015
- MacDonald Junior Faculty Summer Grant, 2009
- MacCracken Fellowship, 2001-2006
- Spanish
Overseas Experience
- Spain
Selected Publications
- Forthcoming. "Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ambiguity of Female Beauty in María de Zayas.” Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies."
- Forthcoming. "Microhistory" in in Mellyn, Elizabeth and Christina Ramos, eds. A Cultural History of Madness in the Renaissance (1400-1600). Vol. 3. Bloomsbury Cultural History of Madness. London, UK.
- 2022. God Made Word: An Archeology of Mystic Discourse in Early Modern Spain. University of Toronto Press
- 2021. “Putting the Auto in the Auto de Fe.” Bulletin of Hispanic studies 98.3: 231–247.
- 2018. “Cross Words: Cervantes and the Sign of the Cross.” Modern philology 115.3 (2018): 307–326.
- 2018. “Pulling Strings: Puppets and Free Will on the Spanish Stage.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 70.2: 13–31.
- 2017. “Incoherent Subjects, Incomplete Lives: The Limits of Spiritual Autobiography in Spain.” Religions (Basel, Switzerland ) 8.12.
- 2016. “Tres Tristes Teresas.” MLN 131(2): 378-397.
- 2015.“Interrogating the Ineffable: The Language of Mysticism and the Language of Law”, Renaissance Quarterly 68(3): 932-956.