Cynthia Garza

Senior Program Manager for Public Engagement & Evaluation- Stone Center for Latin American Studies

Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
  • Andes
  • South America


Cynthia M. Garza holds a Bachelor’s degree in Languages and Cultures from Loyola University, and completed a Master’s degree and PhD coursework in the Stone Center for Latin American Studies. In 2017, she was selected as one of ten educators from across the country as a Harvard University Globalizing the Classroom teaching fellow. Cynthia's career in education began in Peru, as a child advocate for working children who were an average of 2-5 years behind in traditional schooling. For the past two decades, Cynthia has worked in diverse school environments throughout New Orleans, most recently through Tulane SOPA's PreK-12 Education Program as Clinical Placement Coordinator. Before Tulane, Cynthia taught middle school Social Studies and ELA at Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle-Orléans, where she led study abroad trips to Martinique and France, and Cultural Anthropology and Latin American Studies as a Professor of Practice at Loyola University. At Warren Easton High School, Cynthia led a cultural exchange program to Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. In addition to her career as an educator, Cynthia worked in Washington, DC as Director of Advocacy and Community Relations for the DC Immigrant Coalition and as After School Programs Director at Casa del Pueblo Community Program.


  • PhD., ABD Tulane University, Latin American Studies
  • M.A. Tulane University, Latin American Studies
  • B.A. Loyola University, Languages and Cultures (Spanish and Russian)


  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

Overseas Experience

  • Peru
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Russia

Selected Publications

  • 2012. “Colliding with Memory: Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani’s Sin Titulo.” 2012. In The Art of Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru, edited by Cynthia Milton. Duke University Press.
  • 2012. "Twice Removed: New Orleans Garifuna in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina." 2012. In Displaced: Voices from the Katrina Diaspora, edited by Lynn Weber and Lori Peek. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • 2008. “Contemporary Cimarronaje: Teatre del Milenio’s Kimbafá,” e-misférica issue 5.2, spring 2008, edited by Jill Lane and Marcial Godoy-Anativa