Cynthia Ebinger
Professor- Earth and Environmental Sciences
School of Science & Engineering
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty

Geophysics, Rifts, Seismic Monitoring, Volcanoes, Plate Tectonics, West Africa
- Ph.D., MIT/WHOI, Joint Program in Oceanography, Marine Geology, Geophysics, 1988
- M.A., MIT, Geophysics, 1986
- B.S., Duke University, Geology, 1982
Academic Experience
Academic Experience
- Marshall-Heape Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, 2017-
- Professor, University of Rochester, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2006-2016
- Adjunct Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2006-2010
- American Geophysical Union Distinguished Lecturer, Tectonophysics Section, 2023-2024
- NASEM Jefferson Science Fellow, Bureau of African Affairs and Bureau of Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State 2022-23
- Woollard Award, Geophysics and Geodynamics Section, Geological Society of America, 2021
- Tulane Honors Professor of the Year, 2021
Overseas Experience
- Ecuador
- Peru
- United Kingdom
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Ethiopia
- Australia
Selected Publications
- 2024. Sullivan*, G., C. J. Ebinger, M. Musila*, M. Perry^, E.R. Kraus*, Kinematics of Rift Linkage between the Eastern and Ethiopian rifts in the Turkana Depression, Africa, submitted to Basin Research, March, 2024
- In press. Murray^, K., C. J. Ebinger, Active deformation in the central sector of the East African rift zone from tectonic, volcanic and hydrologic processes, J. African Earth Sciences, in press.
- 2024. Joseph*, D.Y., M. K. Savage, A. D. Jolly, C. J. Ebinger, Time-varying crustal anisotropy at Whakaari/White Island Volcano, Geophys. Res. Letts.,
- 2024. C. Ebinger, et al., ariations in subsidence along the Gulf of Mexico passive margin from Airborne-LiDAR data and time series InSAR, J. Geophysical Research - Earth Surfaces, 129,e2023JF007406
- 2024. Ebinger, C. J.,M. Reiss, I. Bastow, M. M. Karanja* (2024), Shallow sources of upper mantle seismic anisotropy in East Africa, Earth and Planetary Science Letters