Charting the Gulf: Tri-Centennial Connections at the Latin American Library

As the city of New Orleans celebrates the 300th anniversary of its founding, it also commemorates a three centuries long relationship with its neighbors in the Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The Latin American Library celebrates this history with an exhibit entitled Charting the Gulf: Tricentennial Connections. The exhibit is a tribute to the historical relationship between New Orleans and places in the Gulf of Mexico.

In a series of six cabinets, there will be displays of images of maps, photographs, print ephemera, and manuscripts from the Library's collections that document three historic moments in the evolving relationships in this region:

  • Early European charting of the Gulf, including the future territory of Louisiana, 16th-18th centuries
  • 19th century travel and commerce between New Orleans and the circum-Gulf region
  • Tulane University's John Geddings Gray Memorial Archaeological Expedition to Middle America in 1928.

The exhibit is located at the Latin American Library, on the 4th floor lobby of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.

The exhibit will be on display through 2018.