Call for Abstracts: 59th annual Institute of Andean Studies conference

The University of California, Berkeley, is proud to announce the dates and call for abstracts for the 59th annual meeting for the Institute of Andean Studies. The Institute of Andean Studies was the vision of John H. Rowe (1918-2004), who founded it in 1960. As stipulated by the articles of incorporation, the primary purpose of the Institute is

"to organize, sponsor, and assist field, museum and library research and study in archaeology, history, linguistics, ethnology and biology of the native peoples of Colombia, and of that area of South America which was formerly the Inca Empire, and which presently comprises northwestern Argentina, northern Chile, and the countries of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; to publish a journal and issue other sundry publications reporting the results of such research; to sponsor meetings and conferences for the purpose of discussion of results of such research and the problems pertaining thereto"

The Institute will host its annual meeting beginning on Friday, January 4 through Saturday, January 5, 2019.

Paper and poster abstracts are due on Sunday, October 14, 2018. Members, non-members, and students are all welcome, both to attend and to present papers and posters. The Institute publishes a journal, Ã’awpa Pacha, dedicated to the study of the Andean past.

Call for papers and posters
Nineteen regular 20-minute papers, one 40-minute Saturday evening public lecture, and an unspecified number of posters will be accepted in addition to the 40-minute Travel Grantee talk. Topics are limited to Andean archaeology and closely related subjects. Ten minutes are scheduled for discussion after each paper. A computer and data projector are provided.

Posters are about 3×4 feet (92×122 cm), and are displayed continuously during both days of the meeting. One 45-minute period each day is scheduled for discussion with poster authors.

To propose a paper or poster, please send the title; author(s) and institutional affiliation(s); the email address of at least one author; whether the proposal is for an oral presentation, poster, or either one; and an abstract of up to 100 words in English or Spanish to the Program Chair, Dr. Maria Bruno, at or at Dickinson College/Department of Anthropology, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013-2896, USA.

All presentation abstracts will be considered for regular 20-minute talks and for possible elaboration as the public lecture, of broad interest and visual appeal. Accepted abstracts will be posted publicly on the Institute's website.

Paper and poster submissions will be reviewed by a committee of the Institute's directors and officers. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by Monday, November 5, 2018.

For more information about registration and the meeting, visit the official website for the Institute of Andean Studies

Cover photo is a border from an embroidered mantle, 200 BC-AD 600, Paracas, housed at the British Museum.

Llamada para ponencias y posters
Diecinueve ponencias de 20 minutos, una ponencia pública de 40 minutos para la noche de sábado, y un número indeterminado de posters estarán aceptados, encima de la ponencia de 40 minutos por el becario. Los temas se limitan a la arqueología andina y temas relacionados. Se programa diez minutos para discusión después de cada ponencia. Se proporcione un ordenador portátil y un proyector de datos. Los posters son aproximadamente 3×4 pies (92×122 cm), y se muestran continuamente durante ambos días de la reunión. Un período de 45 minutos cada día se programa para la discusión con los autores de los posters.

Para proponer una ponencia o póster, por favor envíe el título; autor(es) y filiación(es) institutional(es); la dirección de correo electrónico de al menos un autor; si la propuesta es para una presentación oral, póster, o cualquiera de los dos, y un resumen en castellano o inglés de hasta 100 palabras al Coordinador del Programa, Dra. Maria Bruno, o Dickinson College/Department of Anthropology, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013-2896, USA.

Todos los resúmenes serán considerados para las charlas regulares de 20 minutos y para la posible elaboración como la ponencia pública, de interés amplio y interés visual. Los resúmenes aceptados serán publicados en el sitio web del Instituto.

Fecha límite para proponer ponencias y posters
La fecha límite para resúmenes es domingo, 14 de octubre, 2018. Decisiones para ponencias y posters: Las propuestas de ponencias y posters serán evaluados por un comité dedirectores y funcionarios del Instituto. La notificación de aceptación o rechazo será enviada el lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018.

Los datos acerca del alojamiento, estacionamiento, y otros detalles se encuentran en nuestro sitio web.