Amy George

Senior Professor of Practice - Spanish and Portuguese

School of Liberal Arts
Stone Center Departments
The Stone Center
People Classification
Tulane Affiliation
Associated Faculty
  • Mesoamerica
Amy George

Additional Info

Recently-Taught Latin American-Related Courses:

Number of Dissertations or Theses Supervised in the Past 5 Years:



Linguistics, Latin American Literature, and Mesoamerican Art History


  • B.A., Tulane University, Spanish and Latin American Studies, 1995
  • M.A., University of Arizona, Latin American Studies, 1998
  • Ph.D., Tulane University, Latin American Studies, 2004

Academic Experience

Academic Experience
  • Senior Lecturer/Senior Professor of Practice, Tulane University, 2012-
  • Lecturer, Tulane University, 2006-2012
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, 2005-2006
  • Adjunct Instructor, Tulane University, 2004-2005
  • Visiting Instructor, Tulane University, 2003-2005
  • Teaching Assistant, Tulane University 1999-2003


  • Teaching Fellow, Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching, 2011-2012
  • Curriculum Redevelopment Grant, Stone Center, Tulane University, “Encounter(ing) Latin America and Peoples in/of Latin America,” 2004-2005
  • William J. Griffith Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant in Latin American Studies, Stone Center, Tulane University, 2002-2003
  • Field Research Grant, Stone Center, Tulane University, 2002


  • Spanish
  • Nahuatl
  • Portuguese
  • Maya-Yucatec

Overseas Experience

  • Mexico

Selected Publications

  • Forthcoming. “The Burden of the Days: European Medical Astrology in the Book of Chilam Balam of Kaua.” Colonial Latin American Review
  • 2018. “Transcending Classrooms, Communities, and Cultures: Service Learning in Foreign Language Teaching Methods Courses at Tulane University.” With Alexandra Reuber and Kyle Patrick Williams. In Civic Engagement in the Languages: A ‘How-to' Guide.
  • 2015. Yokol Cab: Mayan Translation of European Astrological Tests and Images in the Book of Chilam Balam of Kaua. Ethnohistory. 62(3): 525-552.
  • 2007. “Las siete planetas: Medieval Reportorios in the Book of Chilam Balam of Kaua.” In Celebrations and Connections in Hispanic Literature. Andrea Morris and Margaret Parker, eds. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 70-84.
  • 2005. “Tell me, Maiden: The Maya Adaptation of a European Riddle Sequence.” Journal of Latin American Lore. 22 (2): 125-142.
  • 1997. “Review of The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous Cartography of the Relaciones Geográficas.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. 1.