25 Tulane Affiliates Participate in LASA 2021 Congress

We are proud to announce that twenty-five Tulane affiliates will participate in the Latin American Studies Association’s 2021 annual congress. A diverse roster of Tulane post-docs, faculty, and students will serve as discussants, presenters, and chairs in a variety of panels, workshops and roundtables.

Register as an attendee here


Below is a comprehensive list of all Tulane affiliates that are participating in the 2021 congress:

Jared A. Abbott
Panel – Crisis and Political Processes
Thursday, May 27, 5pm-6:45pm.
Regime Consolidation From Below in Chávez-Era Venezuela

Jenaro A. Abraham
Panel – Norms, Rhetoric, and the Making of Collective Identities
Wednesday, May 26, 7pm-8:45pm.
The FARC and Revolutions Literature: What we know now

María A. Aguilar Velasquez
Session organizer, LASA Section Panel – Repensar la seguridad y el control en una sociedad de posguerra: reflexiones históricas y actuals sobre la institución policial en Guatemala
Friday, May 28, 11am-12:45pm.
Criminalización, vigiliancia e informants anónimos en la Guatemala del conflict armado

Discussant, Panel – Guatemala, a 25 anos de los Acuerdos de Paz. Ilusiones convertidas en ceniza
Saturday, May 29, 4pm-6:45pm.

Sofia Paiva de Araujo
Chair, Panel – Narrativas y movimientos culturales descolonizadores entre afrodescendentes y pueblos indígenas
Friday, May 28, 7pm-8:45pm.
Isaías Sales Iba and the Movement of Huni Kuin Artists: Indigenous activism and pedagogy in the forest, the university and the art museum

Moisés Arce
Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation
Thursday, May 27, 1pm-2:45pm.
Subnational Resource Governance after the Commodity Boom

Chair and presenter, Workshop – Protest Event Analysis in Latin America
Saturday, May 29, 11am-12:45pm.

Michael Bromberg
Chair, Panel – Audiovisuales, technologías, y redes
Saturday, May 29, 7pm-8:45pm.
Play me the bombo, y’all: community, reinvention, and reaffirmation in the music videos of ChocQuibTown

Ana Claudia Dos Santos São Bernando
Chair and discussant, Panel – Enfrentando apagamentos: produçoes culturais, feminismos e violencia
Thursday, May 27, 11am-12:45pm.
Genocidio negro no Brasil: Denúnicas literárias do terrorismo policial

Ludovico Feoli
Chair, Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation
Thursday, May 27, 1pm-2:45pm.

Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation (Part Two)
Thursday, May 27, 3pm-4:45pm.
Social Mobilization and the Implementation of a New Policy Vision in Costa Rica’s Electricity Sector

Antonio Gómez
Session organizer and Chair, LASA Section Panel – The Film Archipelago: Islands in Latin American Cinema
Wednesday, May 28, 11am-12:45pm.

Session organizer and Chair, Panel – Formas culturales del peronismo: oposiciones, agendas, rastros
Friday, May 28, 11am-12:45pm.
Historia nacional, relato regional e imaginario peronista en la Vendimia de 1975

Stefanie E. Israel de Souza
Session organizer, Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation
Thursday, May 27, 1pm-2:45pm.

Session organizer and chair, Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation (Part Two)
Thursday, May 27, 3pm-4:45pm.

Lillian Lombera
Chair, Panel – Escenas diversa: drama, humor y música
Saturday, May 29, 1pm-2:45pm.
Sábanas Blancas: Barrio, Ciudad, y Nación

Ana M. Lopez
Discussant, Roundtable – The Relevance and Legacy of Sarah Gómez for Today
Wednesday, May 26, 11am-12:45pm.

Discussant, Panel – Documentary Aesthetics: Hybrid Lineages
Thursday, May 27, 1pm-2:45pm.

Panel – Night Falls on the Americas: Latin American Film Noir
Saturday, May 29, 7pm-8:45pm.
The Sounds of Noir in Mexico

Nora Lustig
Presenter, Presidential Panel – Desigualdades sociales y centralidad de la vida
Wednesday, May 26, 1pm-2:45pm.

Valerie McGinley
Presenter, Workshop – Being present in the Latin American Studies virtual classroom, field, and community: challenges and lessons drawn during the COVID-19 pandemic
Friday, May 28, 3pm-4:45pm.

Katherine M. McKiernan
Session organizer and chair, Panel – Elections, Gobernability, and Citizenry
Saturday, May 29, 9am-10:45am.
Who Gets Credit? Citizen Responses to Local Public Goods

Martin Mejia
LASA Student Travel Fund Grant Recipient

Panel – Mass Democracy, Populism, and Popular Mobilization
Friday, May 28, 7pm-8:45pm
The Mirror Without Reflection: Populism and Catholicism in the South American Cases of Argentina and Ecuador

Catherine L. Prechtel
Panel – Sexualities, embodiment, and performance
Friday, May 28, 1pm-2:45pm.
Wrestling with Heteronormativity: Exótico Drag and the Creation of Alternative Discourses of Mexicanidad

Dustin P. Robertson
Panel – Economía Política Urbana en América Latina (Parte 2): La política de las políticas de infraestructura y servicios urbano-regionales
Thursday, May 27, 11am-12:45pm.
Stopping the bus: An Urban Political Ecology Approach to Mobility Infrastructure Development

Irene Rozsa
Session organizer, Panel – Reconfigurations of Reception and Modes of Distribution
Wednesday, May 26, 7pm-8:45pm.
The Catholic Cine-Club as Reception Context at Mid-Century

Andres A. Sandoval
Chair, Panel – Peruvian Politics from Fujimori to Neoextractivism
Saturday, May 29, 1pm-2:45pm.
Weakening the state: The Political Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Peru

Eduardo Silva
Session organizer, Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation
Thursday, May 27, 1pm-2:45pm.

Session organizer and discussant, Panel – Mega-Projects, Social Movements, and the Politics of Policy Implementation
Thursday, May 27, 3pm-4:45pm.

David A. Smilde
Panel – Religión y política
Friday, May 28, 3pm-4:45pm.
The Catholic Church in the Venezuelan Conflict: Positive Neutrality and the Peril of Principles

Session organizer, Panel – El liberalism e iliberalismo en Venezuela
Thursday, May 27, 11am-12:45pm

Ezra Spira-Cohen
Panel – Land Tenure and Social Transformations (Part 2)
Thursday, May 27, 11am-12:45pm.
The Countervailing Effects of Land Tenure Reform in Contemporary Brazil

María X. Venturini
Session organizer and chair, Panel – Escrituras de la disidencia sexual
Thursday, May 27, 9am-10:45am.
Autobiografía y testimonio trans: Las malas de Camila Sosa Villada

Barbara Xavier Franca
Session organizer, Panel – Literaturas del Caribe
Wednesday, May 26, 7pm-8:45pm
En las áreas oscuras del cerebro planetario: drogas y la experimentación del Caribe global en la obra de Rita Indiana